TR Job Portal API (public)

TR Job Portal API (public)


The Job Portal API is a public RESTFul API, restricted to deliver data over vacancies (positions) created in the System. This API does not require any authentication, as this information is public anyways, and used on Customers' career pages.

The positions available through these methods are basically active projects that are currently published.


Please read the API Usage Notice before implementing API consumption. The api will by default get max 25 positions, to change this or do paging please read the section about common parameters for RESTFul apis

Notice the API have a connection timeout on 180 seconds.

Base URL

The following is the base URL for the Job Portal API, where the <ALIAS> stands for the Customer alias configured in the System. The <FUNCTION> represents the exact function of the API being called:


Transaction Status

Each data block returned by these methods include a TransactionStatus node that represents the success of the operation. The status node can contain either Success or Error. In case of error, the description node describes the error that may have occurred during the operation.

Job Portal API Success


Following is the list of functions available in the Job Portal API.

Retrieve a Single Position

The following are methods to retrieve a single position.

The parameter {positionId} is the id of the position/project as specified in the HR Manager Talent Recruiter, or returned by various other RESTFul methods. The position displays the data stored for the relevant active and published position in the system. The returned position data also includes URLs for advertisement pages and application form pages.

Retrieve List of All Positions

The following are methods to retrieve list of all positions.

Each position in the list displays the data stored for the relevant active and published positions in the system matching the search and filtering criteria. The returned position data also includes URLs for advertisement pages and application form pages. In addition to the list of available positions, the list contains the following counters:

  • PositionCountCustomer: Total available positions for the customer
  • PositionCountSearch: Total available positions matching the search and filtering criteria
  • PositionCountList: Total available positions in the current list
  • PositionCountSkipped: Total positions skipped in PositionCountSearch due to paging variables

Retrieve List of Departments

The following are methods to retrieve list of departments where positions are available.

Each department in the list displays the department id, the department name and the number of positions available for the department given the search and filtering criteria.

Retrieve List of Categories

The following are methods to retrieve list of categories that are defined for the available positions.

Each category in the list displays the category id, the category name and the number of positions available for the category given the search and filtering criteria.

You can also use Retrieve Items of Dropdown Lists to get contents of this list. However, by doing so, you will not get position counts, and you will also not be able to define any search or filtering criteria.

Retrieve List of Locations

The following are methods to retrieve list of locations that are defined for the available positions.

Each location in the list displays the location id, the location name and the number of positions available for the location given the search and filtering criteria.

You can also use Retrieve Items of Dropdown Lists to get contents of this list. However, by doing so, you will not get position counts, and you will also not be able to define any search or filtering criteria.

Retrieve Custom List 1

The following are methods to retrieve items of custom list 1 that are defined for the available positions.

  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/json/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/xml/

Each item in the list displays the item id, the item name and the number of positions available for the item given the search and filtering criteria.

You can also use Retrieve Items of Dropdown Lists to get contents of this list. However, by doing so, you will not get position counts, and you will also not be able to define any search or filtering criteria.

Retrieve Custom List 2

The following are methods to retrieve items of custom list 2 that are defined for the available positions.

  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/json/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/xml/

Each item in the list displays the item id, the item name and the number of positions available for the item given the search and filtering criteria.

You can also use Retrieve Items of Dropdown Lists to get contents of this list. However, by doing so, you will not get position counts, and you will also not be able to define any search or filtering criteria.

Retrieve Custom List 3

The following are methods to retrieve items of custom list 3 that are defined for the available positions.

  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/json/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/xml/

Each item in the list displays the item id, the item name and the number of positions available for the item given the search and filtering criteria.

You can also use Retrieve Items of Dropdown Lists to get contents of this list. However, by doing so, you will not get position counts, and you will also not be able to define any search or filtering criteria.

Retrieve Items of Dropdown Lists

The following are methods to retrieve items of any dropdown list.

  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/ddlist/{ddListId}/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/ddlist/{ddListId}/json/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/ddlist/{ddListId}/xml/

Each item in the list displays the item id and the item name.

Retrieve List of Position Types

The following are methods to retrieve list of position types that are defined for the available positions.

  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/json/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/xml/

Position type is a free text property in project settings that can be used to define custom information, e.g. fulltime/halftime positions. Each position type in the list displays the position type and the number of positions available for the position type given the search and filtering criteria.

Retrieve List of Project Types

The following are methods to retrieve list of project types that are defined for the available positions.

  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/json/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/xml/

Project type is a built in property that can have value RecruitmentProject or OpenApplication. Each project type in the list displays the project type and the number of positions available for the project type given the search and filtering criteria.

Retrieve All

The following are methods to retrieve all above lists in one single call to the server.

  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/json/
  • https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/xml/

This call is the most optimal to make as it returns all the data at once rather than make several call to specfic objects. The returned data is still categorized in separate nodes making it easy to parse and distribute to various controls.

JobPortal Query String Parameters

All RESTFul methods, except for the single position methods, accept following query string parameters where relevant:

Read about the common setup of RESTFul apis to see how to get paging and sorting in the API.

Exclude Sub Departments




Send this parameter to exclude the sub departments in filtering of the position list.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?excsub=1

·        .../?excsub=yes

·        .../?excsub=enabled

·        .../?excsub=true

·        .../?excsub=ok

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Category Id




Send this parameter to filter the position list with one or more position category ids.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?catid=1&catid=2&catid=3

·        .../?catid=1;2;3

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Location Id




Send this parameter to filter the position list with one or more position location ids.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?locid=1&locid=2&locid=3

·        .../?locid=1;2;3

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Custom List 1 Id




Send this parameter to filter the position list with one or more ids of custom list 1.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../? cl1id=1&cl1id=2&cl1id=3

·        .../? cl1id=1;2;3

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Custom List 2 Id




Send this parameter to filter the position list with one or more ids of custom list 2.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../? cl2id=1&cl2id=2&cl2id=3

·        .../? cl2id=1;2;3

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Custom List 3 Id




Send this parameter to filter the position list with one or more ids of custom list 3.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../? cl3id=1&cl3id=2&cl3id=3

·        .../? cl3id=1;2;3

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Custom Text 1




Send this parameter to filter the position list with contents of custom text field 1. As long as the defined text exists in the text field (beginning, middle or end), the position is included in the list.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?ct1=chief&ct1=engineer

·        .../?ct1=chief;engineer

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Custom Text 2




Send this parameter to filter the position list with contents of custom text field 2. As long as the defined text exists in the text field (beginning, middle or end), the position is included in the list.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?ct2=chief&ct2=engineer

·        .../?ct2=chief;engineer

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Custom Text 3




Send this parameter to filter the position list with contents of custom text field 3. As long as the defined text exists in the text field (beginning, middle or end), the position is included in the list.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?ct3=chief&ct3=engineer

·        .../?ct3=chief;engineer

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Project Type




Send this parameter to filter the position list with type of project. The available values are:

·        RecruitmentProject

·        OpenApplication

Value type


Default value

Union of RecruitmentProject and OpenApplication

Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?protype=RecruitmentProject&protype=OpenApplication

·        .../?protype=RecruitmentProject;OpenApplication

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/





Send this parameter to filter the position list with type of position. As long as the defined text exists in the text field (beginning, middle or end), the position is included in the list.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?postype=fulltime&postype=halftime

·        .../?postype=fulltime;halftime

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Media Id




Send this parameter to get the positions from the specified media in the system.

Value type


Default value

Default media "Homepage" (id: 5)

Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?mediaid=5

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/




Send this parameter to filter the position list with contents of position title or its short description. As long as the defined text exists in the position name or its short description (beginning, middle or end), the position is included in the list.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

Yes. Multiple values can be sent by either repeating the parameter with multiple values or defining multiple values in a single parameter separated with semi colon. See sample below.


·        .../?search=chief&search=engineer

·        .../?search=chief;engineer

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positiontypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/projecttypelist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Flat Lists




Send this parameter to get the department, category, location and other drop down lists as flat lists (non-hierarchical). If set to 0 or false, then these lists are returned in hierarchical format displaying the parent/child relationships with one another.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?flatlists=1

·        .../?flatlists=yes

·        .../?flatlists=enabled

·        .../?flatlists=true

·        .../?flatlists=ok

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/departmentlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/ddlist/{ddListId}/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Use UTC Dates




Send this parameter to return all the times as UTC.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?useutc=1

·        .../?useutc=yes

·        .../?useutc=enabled

·        .../?useutc=true

·        .../?useutc=ok

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/position/{positionId}/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Include Advertisements




Send this parameter to include the advertisement content in the position or position list.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?incads=1

·        .../?incads=yes

·        .../?incads=enabled

·        .../?incads=true

·        .../?incads=ok

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/position/{positionId}/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Plain Text Advertisements




Send this parameter to include the advertisement content in the position or position list without HTML tags. This parameter only works if incads is enabled.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?plainads=1

·        .../?plainads=yes

·        .../?plainads=enabled

·        .../?plainads=true

·        .../?plainads=ok

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/position/{positionId}/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

UI Culture




Send this parameter to get the localized text for the values of category list, location list, custom lists and other drop down lists. The available languages are:

·        da - Danish

·        de - German

·        en - English

·        es - Spanish

·        et - Estonian

·        fi - Finnish

·        lt - Lithuanian

·        lv - Latvian

·        nl - Dutch

·        no - Norwegian

·        pl - Polish

·        ru - Russian

·        sv - Swedish

Value type


Default value

Default customer language

Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?uiculture=en

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/position/{positionId}/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/categorylist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/locationlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist1/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist2/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/customlist3/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/ddlist/{ddListId}/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/




Send this parameter to include the department logo for the positions.

Value type


Default value


Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?inclogo=1

·        .../?inclogo=yes

·        .../?inclogo=enabled

·        .../?inclogo=true

·        .../?inclogo=ok

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

Logo Size




Send this parameter to override the default size of the department logo for the positions.

Value type


Default value

Default value defined for the customer. Usually 75 pixels.

Multiple values

No. This parameter must be defined only once with a single value.


·        .../?logosz=100

Works with

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/position/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/positionlist/

·        https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/jobportal.svc/{customerAlias}/contents/

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