TR Department API V2

TR Department API V2

This API has been deprecated. Please refer to the most recent versjon of the Talent Recruiter API available on https://developer.talentech.io/.


Please read the API Usage Notice before implementing API consumption. This api will by default get 25 positions and have a max on 100, to change this or do paging please read the section about common parameters for RESTFul apis

URL Format

All the Web Service methods use a common convention in their URLs. The URLs consist of parts for customer alias, API key and method name. E.g.:


When calling an API method, simply replace these parts with proper values.


Calling the above API requires an API Key with the key name "apikey". This should be sent as a request header.

Below is a curl example to fetch candidates for a customer using restful service passing API Key and value in the request header.

Calling API with an API Key as a curl command
curl https://recruiter-api.hr-manager.net/restful.svc/v2/{CUSTOMER-ALIAS}/Departments/ -H "apikey: {API-KEY-VALUE}"  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


The node for items include the list of department data objects.

	"Id": 0,
	"ThirdPartyId": "",
	"Name": "",
	"Details": {
		"InternalName": "",
		"IsRootDepartment": true,
		"IsVirtualRootDepartment": false,
		"IsSynchronized": false,
		"IsProjectCreationAllowed": true,
		"IsDeletable": false,
		"ContactPerson": "",
		"Address": "",
		"POBox": "",
		"Zip": "",
		"City": "",
		"County": "",
		"Country": "",
		"Phone": "",
		"PhoneFax": "",
		"Email": "",
		"WebSite": "",
		"ParentDepartmentCsv": "",
		"SynchronizationId": "",
		"ParentSynchronizationId": "",
		"CreatedDateTimeUtc": "/Date(1517573863000)/",
		"LastUpdatedDateTimeUtc": "/Date(1517573863000)/",
		"SubDepartments": {
			"Immediate": {
				"Count": 2,
				"Csv": "100,101",
				"DepartmentList": [
						"Id": 100,
						"ThirdPartyId": "",
						"Name": "",
						"Details": null
						"Id": 101,
						"ThirdPartyId": "",
						"Name": "",
						"Details": null
			"Recursive": {
				"Count": 2,
				"Csv": "100,101",
				"DepartmentList": []
		"PropertyBag": []

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