Candidate API - Technical implementation guide

Candidate API - Technical implementation guide

The primary use case for the Candidate API is to fetch data related to a hired candidate.
It allows to:

  • List all hired candidates, with the possibility of filtering them by a hired date, created date and whether they are “processed”

  • Fetch specific candidate data like personal information, structured cv data, file attachments etc.

  • Marking candidates as processed for future filtering purpose

Recommended work flow

The recommendation is to use the endpoint

GET /candidates/hired with its filtering option isProcessed set to false, to find a list of candidates that have recently been hired but not yet processed. Then iterate of these candidates one by one and fetch candidate details, CV-data and files attached to the candidate.

Always end the processing of each candidate with calling the endpoint
POST /candidates/hired/{candidateId}/process
to mark the candidate as processed and make sure that it is only handled once.


Questions & Answers

How do I know what the different fields represent?

All fields exposed by the API are documented in the Complete API Docs that can be found here

Can I fetch the same candidate twice to feed data into two different systems?

This can be done in different ways, but if you would like to have two separate integrations we recommend that you use two different API clients. The endpoint POST /candidates/hired/{candidateId}/process will mark the candidate as processed by executing API client, thus the isProcessed filter that can be applied to
GET /candidates/hired will only filter candidates in the context a particular API client.


Complete API Docs

All available endpoints are documented on our developer portal

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