Process API - Technical implementation guide

Process API - Technical implementation guide

The primary use case for the Process API is to start recruitment process from out side of Webcruiter.

Create the process

A new process is created by calling the endpoint

POST /processes

As seen in the API docs there are a number of required field for starting/creating a recruitment process. We strongly recommend that all values passed into the POST endpoint are validate before the call. This can be done by looking up values using various endpoints as described below.


Must be a valid hierarchy/organization id. In the Hierarchy API this is simply referred to as the Id, while within Webcruiter UI this id is referred to as the external hierarchy/organization node id.

Use the Hierarchy API endpoints to find and validate your hierarchy/organization node id.
GET /hierarchy/{id}


This is the email of the responsible recruitment manager. A Webcruiter user account with this email must exist and this user account must have permission to create recruitment processes on the hierarchy node specified by the parameter hierarchyNodeId

Use endpoint GET /users to validate your responsible manager. Preferably filtered with the optional query parameter hierarchyNodeId.


The title of this recruitment process.


This must be a position types that is available on the hierarchy node specified by the parameter hierarchyNodeId .

To find available position types the following endpoint can be used
GET /hierarchy/{hierarchyNodeId}/position-types


Fill out the Job Analysis

Once the process has been created as specified in the section above, it is also possible to fill out the Job Analysis. This is done by calling the endpoint

PUT /processes/{processId}/job-analysis

The processId is found in the response from the call to POST /processes

The fields in the payload dutiesAndResponsibilities, personalQualities, qualifications, whatCanWeOffer, presentation will map the specified strings to the corresponding section in the Job Analysis.

Note than if more than one section in the Job Analysis is marked with the same advert section only the first section will be filled out by the API call.




Questions & Answers

Where can I found valid id:s if I want to add Expertise Areas to the recruitment process?

It is optional to set the Expertise Area. A complete list of available expertise areas can be fetched using the endpoint
GET /expertise-areas

Expertise areas are setup for each customer on a system level, thus available options are not dependent on what hierarchy node id the new recruitment process is placed on.

What does the optional field publish date mean?

If this optional date is set the first mile stone called Publish advert in the Webcruiter timetable will be set to this date. This date will also affect the default application deadline, which will be set to 14 days after the publish date.

What happens if I do not set the publish date and what about the application deadline date?

If the publishDate is not set the mile stone called Publish advert will be set to next working day (Monday-Friday) counted from todays date. If the applicationDeadline is not set explicitly, it will be set set to 14 days after the publish advert date. This is the same behavior as when a new recruitment process is created in the Webcruiter UI.

What Job Analysis Template will be used?

The API will use the same behavior as when creating a recruitment process in the UI without using a Process Templates. It will look upwards in the organization hierarchy and pick the pick the first default Job Analysis Template it can find, starting from the hierarchyNodeId owning the process.

The concept of Process Templates is currently not supported from the Process API.


Complete API Docs

All available endpoints are documented on our developer portal

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