Google Workspace setup for SSO

Google Workspace setup for SSO


Talentech offers Single Sign On for Google Workspace users through our SAML support in Talentech ID. This guide shows how you can easily set it up.


Step by step guide

Log on to the Google Admin portal on https://admin.google.com and choose the Apps menu item.

Create a new SAML app


Download the metadata file or copy the SSO URL, Entity ID and Certificate and send it to us (sso-setup@talentech.com).

Enter the ACS URL and Entity ID you received from us.

Choose NAME ID format to be EMAIL and get the value from Primary email.

Set up Attribute mappings for Primary email, First name and Last name as shown in the screenshot below. It’s important that you map them to the attribute names email, given_name and family_name.



Make sure to enable the app for all your users or limit by using groups.

You should now be ready to test the integration. You will receive a test URL from us.