Importing data to Talent Manager

Importing data to Talent Manager

This page outlines how to fill in excel sheets for import of data to Talent Manager. Below you will find a number of sheets, divided up by language. You will also find a downloadable copy of everything on this page.

First please contact your Implementation Consultant or the Consulting department at HR Manager.

Proceed to downloading the appropriate file for your needs and fill it in using the following guide.

Customer Guide to HR Managers Import 1.84 sheet


This guide will walk you through importing data to Talent Manager using the Import 1.8 sheet. The sheet allows you to convert information from your existing systems to a format which can be imported into HR Manager’s Talent Manager system. When the sheet is filled with the data you wish to import, you can send it back to your Implementation Consultant, who will validate the data and import it to your system.


To do this, you must enter all desired information from your own systems into the columns. This can usually be exported from your own systems to either an .xlsx or .csv file which can then be opened with Excel and copied to the Import sheet using Copy-Paste.

Note that the top row is locked and cannot be edited so you must as a minimum stand in row 2 before pasting data. Each row represents a new employee and each column is a data field for their profile.

It is not possible to add or remove columns in this sheet. For a guide in the file itself, see the tab named Guide.


How much data do I need to import?

You can decide how much information you need in your HR Manager system, but as a bare minimum, you must include Email address, First Name and Last Name for the import to work.

Furthermore, to have your employees mapped correctly in the system, Department and Manager must also be added. These fields are all marked with an * in the header for your convenience. All other fields are optional, but we recommend that you fill in as many as possible.



Email address *

o   Work-email address. This is also used for the employees’ unique Username. If no Email address is entered, make sure to add an Alternate Email address or an Employment ID in their respective fields (see further down). Mandatory field.


First Name *

o   First name of the employee. Mandatory field.


Last Name *

o   All middle and last names. Mandatory field.



o   Private address, street, number, apartment


Place Name

o   Place name or municipality



o   Private address ZIP code



o   Private address City



o   Home address, country. Follows the ISO 3166 format of just 2 letters. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements for details



o   Nationality. Follows the ISO 3166 format of just 2 letters. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements for details


Alternate Mail

o   Private mail. If there is no work-mail entered in Email address, this may act as a substitute in the system


Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY)

o   Employees’ Date of Birth. Must follow DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD or any combination thereof. All other formats will not be recognized



o   Employee gender. Only empty, F and M are recognized by the system


Job Title

o   Current job title. Each unique entry in this field will create a new job title in your system which you can access later from a dropdown menu. This menu can be edited and expanded upon manually as well in your system. This functionality is found under Administration -> Dropdown Lists -> Job Title


Job Type

o   Current job type. Each unique entry in this field will create a new job type in your system which you can access later from a dropdown menu. This menu can be edited and expanded upon manually as well in your system. This functionality is found under Administration -> Dropdown Lists -> Job Type


Employment date (DD-MM-YYYY)

o   Employment date of the employee. Must follow DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD or any combination thereof. All other formats will not be recognized


Seniority date (DD-MM-YYYY)

o   Seniority date of the employee. This is different from Employment Date which only tracks the date of employment for the current organization. Seniority Date may be carried over from earlier employments for several reasons like company acquisitions, contractual obligations and more. Must follow DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD or any combination thereof. All other formats will not be recognized


Wedding Date (DD-MM-YYYY)

o   Wedding date of the employee if applicable. Must follow DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD or any combination thereof. All other formats will not be recognized


Country Code Phone (Private)

o   Country code for the employees’ private phone number


Phone (Private)

o   Employees’ private phone number


Country Code Phone (Mobile)

o   Country code for the employees’ mobile phone number


Phone (Mobile)

o   Employees’ mobile phone number


Country Code Phone (Work)

o   Country code for the employees’ work phone number


Phone (Work)

o   Employees’ direct work phone number


Relative 1 Name

o   Name of first relative for the employee


Relative 1 Phone       

o   Phone number for the first relative


Relative 1 Relation   

o   First relative’s relation to the employee


Relative 2 Name

o   Name of second relative for the employee


Relative 2 Phone

o   Phone number for the second relative


Relative 2 Relation   

o   Second relative’s relation to the employee



o   Employees social security number


Work Location

o   Work location for the specific employee   


Department *

o   The employees´ position in the organizational structure. The header of this column will update dynamically and tell you how many unique departments you have entered, to enable you to control if the number of departments seem correct before sending the file to your Implementation Consultant. NOTE – Department Names must be identical to the departments entered in your system to ensure correct mapping of the employees.


Employee Role

o   Should be left empty by default

o   the system will automatically figure out if an employee is a Manager or Employee. If you have special requests for roles for an employee (such as Admin or Department Manager) you can write it here. The default roles in Talent Manager are as follows: Employee, Manager, Department Manager and Administrators

  • Employees can see themselves only in the structure. This is calculated automatically by the system

  • Managers can see themselves and their employees in the structure as well as manage their employees. This is calculated automatically by the system

  • Department Managers can see anything below them in the structure

  • Administrators are typically to view everything in the structure and can administrate the system and all employees


Manager *

o   Full name of the Manager for the employee. That means all first names + all last names in that order and with no initials or shortening of names. Only 1 manager per employee is allowed in the system.


Bank Reg.nr

o   Free text field for bank registration information


Bank Account Number

o   Free text field for bank account information



o   Free text field for salary information


Cost Center                

o   Free text field for Cost Center information


Employee ID              

o   Free text field for Employee ID. The employee will get a different system ID regardless of whether this is used. If you do not have e-mail address or alternate e-mail address on all employees, the system can use this information to generate a username, but in that case, the employee will not be able to receive e-mails


Employment end date (DD-MM-YYYY)

o   The date where employment officially ends. This may be different from last working date due to vacation, maternity leave, leave of absence or other reasons. Must follow DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD or any combination thereof. All other formats will not be recognized


Last working date (DD-MM-YYYY)

o   The date on which the employee has their last day at the workplace. This may be different from employment end date, due to factors like vacation, leave of absence, maternity leave or other reasons Must follow DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD or any combination thereof. All other formats will not be recognized


Reason for leaving

o   Free text field. Each unique entry in this field will create a new job type in your system which you can access later from a dropdown menu. This menu can be edited and expanded upon manually as well in your system. This functionality is found under Administration > Dropdown Menus > Job Type


Staff Category

o   Free text field. Here you can write specific categories for workers if that is applicable to your managerial setup and organizational structure


Full Time Equivalence (FTE)

o   Must be between 0,0001 and 1,0. This is a feature which allows you to see how many full-time employees your employees equate to. For example: A single employee with an FTE of 1, will work as many hours as two employees each with an FTE of 0,5. This allows organizations with many part time employees to see how many full-time positions their employees equate to

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