Tm Document API
This is documentation for the old TM Document API. If possible, please use the new API that is documented on the developer portal → Talent Manager API Documentation
Please read the API Usage Notice before implementing API consumption. |
Method |
| Retrieve list of meta-information for documents |
| Method used to do the Add Employee Documents |
| Method used to do the Delete Employee Documents |
| Method used to do the Update Employee Documents |
Minimum fields required in order to get a list
AuthenticationToken | This token is used to validate the request so that only authorized users can perform the import. This is to provide the security to the API and restrict the unauthorized access. We can either user customer specific API Key or the Master Key to get access to the system. |
CustomerId | This is customer identification id to let system know where a particular employee should be imported |
ReferenceToken | A unique value (i.e a GUID). This field is required, The value can be any unique string. |
EmployeeId | Id of the employee in the manager system for whom we need the list of documents. |
Basic request structure:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
Response structure:
ReferenceToken | It is the same token value which was sent in request. |
SystemLanguageType | Language specified in the request. Default will be English. |
TransactionStatus | It contains the details of the customer specified in the request and validated through Authentication Token. It also holds the status of the Request sent e.g. Success or Failure. |
DocumentList | It can have 0 or more occurrence of employee documents specified in the request. |
Document | It contains the details of the document identified by the Id field. Contents of the documents are not included in the response. Actual file can be downloaded using DownloadUrl provided in the Document details. |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<GetEmployeeDocumentListResponse xmlns="">
<GetEmployeeDocumentListResult xmlns:i="">
<Details i:nil="true"/>
<DebugOverview i:nil="true"/>
<DocumentList xmlns:a="">
<a:Bytes i:nil="true"/>
Minimum fields required in order to add
AuthenticationToken | This token is used to validate the request so that only authorized users can perform the import. This is to provide the security to the API and restrict the unauthorized access. We can either user customer specific API Key or the Master Key to get access to the system. |
CustomerId | This is customer identification id to let system know where a particular employee should be imported |
ReferenceToken | A unique value (i.e a GUID). This field is required, The value can be any unique string. |
EmployeeDocuments | Minimum one Document should be sent when adding employee document using the API. |
Basic request structure:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:hrm="">
Response structure:
ReferenceToken | It is the same token value which was sent in request. |
SystemLanguageType | Language specified in the request. Default will be English. |
TransactionStatus | It contains the details of the customer specified in the request and validated through Authentication Token. |
EmployeeDocumentStatusList | It can have 1 or more occurrence of Document status specified in the request. |
EmployeeDocumentStatus | It contains the details of the document status like System generated ID of the document, |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<EmployeeDocumentAddResponse xmlns="">
<EmployeeDocumentAddResult xmlns:i="">
<Details i:nil="true"/>
<DebugOverview i:nil="true"/>
<EmployeeDocumentStatus xmlns:a="">
<a:DocumentStatusErrorMessage i:nil="true"/>
Minimum fields required
AuthenticationToken | This token is used to validate the request so that only authorized users can perform the import. This is to provide the security to the API and restrict the unauthorized access. We can either user customer specific API Key or the Master Key to get access to the system. |
CustomerId | This is customer identification id to let system know where a particular employee should be imported |
ReferenceToken | A unique value (i.e a GUID). This field is required, The value can be any unique string. |
EmployeeDocuments | Minimum one Document should be sent when deleting employee documents using the API. |
Basic request structure:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:hrm="">
Response structure:
ReferenceToken | It is the same token value which was sent in request. |
SystemLanguageType | Language specified in the request. Default will be English. |
TransactionStatus | It contains the details of the customer specified in the request and validated through Authentication Token. |
EmployeeDocumentStatusList | It can have 1 or more occurrence of Document status specified in the request. |
EmployeeDocumentStatus | It contains the details of the document status whether document has been deleted or not, |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<EmployeeDocumentDeleteResponse xmlns="">
<EmployeeDocumentDeleteResult xmlns:i="">
<Details i:nil="true"/>
<DebugOverview i:nil="true"/>
<EmployeeDocumentStatus xmlns:a="">
<a:DocumentStatusErrorMessage i:nil="true"/>
Minimum fields required in order to update.
AuthenticationToken | This token is used to validate the request so that only authorized users can perform the import. This is to provide the security to the API and restrict the unauthorized access. We can either user customer specific API Key or the Master Key to get access to the system. |
CustomerId | This is customer identification id to let system know where a particular employee should be imported |
ReferenceToken | A unique value (i.e a GUID). This field is required, The value can be any unique string. |
EmployeeDocuments | Minimum one Document should be sent when updating employee documents using the API. Following fields should be set for each document: |
Basic request structure:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:hrm="">
Response structure:
ReferenceToken | It is the same token value which was sent in request. |
SystemLanguageType | Language specified in the request. Default will be English |
TransactionStatus | It contains the details of the customer specified in the request and validated through Authentication Token. |
EmployeeDocumentStatusList | It can have 1 or more occurrence of Document status specified in the request. |
EmployeeDocumentStatus | It contains the details of the document status whether document has been updated or not any error message while updating the document. |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<EmployeeDocumentUpdateResponse xmlns="">
<EmployeeDocumentUpdateResult xmlns:i="">
<Details i:nil="true"/>
<DebugOverview i:nil="true"/>
<EmployeeDocumentStatus xmlns:a="">
<a:DocumentStatusErrorMessage i:nil="true"/>
<a:FileName i:nil="true"/>