Administer users

Administer users

ReachMee has users, each user can have one or more roles.


Create user

{ "user_name": "string", "employee_number": "string", "login_type": "INT", "password": "string", "first_name": "string", "surname": "string", "email_work": "string", "email_home": "string", "external_org_unit_id": "string", "domain": "DOM_1", "telephone_1": "string", "telephone_2": "string", "telephone_3": "string" }

If you are using Talentech for SSO user_name must be the same as email_work. If you are unsure if you use Talentech ID or not please contact our support.

The following things are mandatory

  • user_name

  • first_name

  • surname

  • email_work

login_type=”EXT” if you use Talentech ID or SSO.

Update user

You only have to send fields that have changed.


id = ReachMees internal ID of the user

{ "role_id": "string", "external_org_unit_id": "string" }

role_id = id for the role to add, check with support to get the relevant ids for your

external_org_unit_id is used if you are using ReachMee organization tree to limit the role only part of the tree.

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